Mass 211’s Children Requiring Assistance or (CRA) line provides information on local public agencies, private organizations as well as medical, behavioral and mental health care providers that may assist families with children who are experiencing underlying problems. It is designed for parents, providers or anyone who knows a youth or a family that could use support.
The goal of this service is to connect families with resources that address their concerns while providing support and limiting the youth’s involvement in the court system.
Examples of calls we receive include:
- Families interested in filing an official CRA through the court system.
- Children who need emotional or behavioral support.
- Families with children who may need assistance with educational advocacy.
- Children and youth that are having a challenging time finding a provider.
- Families in need of urgent support due to health/safety concerns.
- Parents who have recently gained or regained custody of their child and need assistance with transition.
- Behavioral and truancy concerns
Families can speak with any one of our CRA Specialists to learn more
by dialing 2-1-1 and using extension 24.
Mass211 partners with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services