Mass211 can help you identify available behavioral health services, including counseling and substance use disorder treatment programs. Whether you or someone you care about is in need of support, reaching out to 211 is an easy first step.
The Massachusetts Behavioral Help Line (BHHL) is available to connect you directly to clinical help, when and where you need it. Even if you are not sure what kind of help or treatment you may need.
It's Free, confidential and no health insurance is required.
Real time interpretation in 200 plus languages.
Deaf or hard of hearing? Contact MassRelay at 711 or use your video relay or caption provider of choice.
The Behavioral Health Help Line is a service of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
Dial 2-1-1 Ext. 33
Call 911 if you or someone else is experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency, including a potential overdose.
Mass211 partners with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services